Monday, June 7, 2010

Hmm Less About Fashion

Gonna' talk about life stuff now. Such as the shows that depict families trading places. Watching one right now. I guess this isn't about life but it is about someone's life sooooo... If you have ever seen one of these shows you know that they are so artificial. These people are very set on their ways. Their are little kids that throw fits because they cannot do the things that they are used to doing. I am sorry but it is sad if your kid cries because he has to pick out his own clothes. This is just showing how dependent our generation is becoming. At a time where independence is so needed adults are teaching their kids to do nothing for themselves. Course there is the other side of the spectrum where the kids hardly ever see their parents. Kids who have drivers and nannies and everything like that. Well I'll leave you to think about that. Bye!

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